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Autumn Leaves and Missed Moments

Kassie J Runyan

Article from our November Issue of OpenDoor Magazine. Subscribe to our free, monthly, digital magazine for articles, interviews, author/artists features, and theme poetry from around the world-

Autumn Leaves and Missed Moments

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

We are entering my favorite time of year. And I mean my FAVORITE time of year, especially living in the Northern part of the United States – where the trees turn to red and gold and the air starts to bite just enough for a cute hat paired with a cozy sweater. The return of Pumpkin Spice… EVERYTHING, scary movies in the evening, later sunrises and dark beers. And best of all – it’s heading into my favorite grouping of holiday seasons.

Halloween - filled with kids in costume ringing the bell and left-over candy corn for me. Then American Thanksgiving – which historically meant family gathered around a table – but in recent years has meant a quick trip with my parents to destinations drawn from a hat. And finally, Christmas – a time to visit with family, relax, take in the sights of New York done up in red and green, peppermint hot-cocoa, and snow-covered streets.

This year; while it brings the same feelings of excitement and joy as the autumn leaves turn; brings a sadness behind the normal joy. We struggle across the world. Through the loss of loved ones due to the global pandemic, the inability to live our lives as planned, and preparing ourselves to miss our normal moments with family and loved ones as we prepare to enter the holiday season while still keeping ourselves and our families safe and healthy.

This is a year like no other and will bring a change as drastic as the changing leaves… while not quite so beautiful. Just remember, with each new season we receive a new opportunity and a new beginning – to create, and share, and love (even when it needs to be from afar) so count your blessings and look to what you are thankful for. Continue to take enjoyment in the little normal things and we will get through this together.

As for me, I’m off to get a Pumpkin Spice latte and settle down for a showing of Friday the 13th while cuddling under a cozy blanket followed by our weekly family zoom calls.


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